We strive for more inclusivity and active participation of diverse audiences in decision-making processes. We call on public institutions to be accountable and transparent and help them to open up their data. We advocate for digital rights and raise awareness for the safe use of technology. We strengthen communities and promote solidarity among people.

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In Slovenia, the lack of regulation for short-term rentals has led to a housing catastrophe. In Ljubljana, for example, there are almost three times as many apartments for short-term rentals as for long-term rentals. Airbnb and similar online platforms are driving locals out of the city as owners seek to maximise their profits and prefer not to rent to those who need a place to call home. With the "Airbnb, go home!" campaign, we are calling for strict regulation in this area from political decision-makers.

27. May 2024


As usual at DJND, we have once again produced a guide for people who, for various reasons, are unable to participate in European elections and referendums like others. It is aimed at people who live abroad, people with disabilities, those who will be elsewhere in Slovenia on election day, etc. – in short, for everyone who cannot vote in the usual way. We create these election guides because we believe in the importance of political participation and actively promote it.

20. May 2024

Omnia vodič. Zemljevid Slovenije na desni z ikonami za volišče, na levi piše "Kje lahko glasujem, če bom na dan glasovanja na volitvah v Evropski parlament in referendumih na izletu?" Spodaj piše Zemljevid OMNIA volišč.

OMNIA polling stations, which allow voters to participate in elections even if they are outside their home constituency on election day, are organised throughout the country. To encourage voter turnout and facilitate access to polling stations, we created a simple interactive guide to OMNIA polling stations for the 2024 European Parliament elections and the referendums taking place at the same time. As voters need to register their intention to vote at an OMNIA polling station in advance, we also added instructions on how to do this to the map.

20. May 2024

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Zemljevid predčasnih volišč. Na desni je zemljevid z oznakami za volišča. Na levi piše: "Kam na predčasno glasovanje za volitve v Evropski parlament in referendume?"

The map of polling stations for early voting is one of the online tools we use to actively encourage voters to fulfil their civic duty. For the elections to the European Parliament and the referendums taking place at the same time in June 2024, we created, among other things, a simple interactive map of polling stations. The map shows all polling stations and users can click on the nearest polling station to find out more about it.

20. May 2024


We have developed the online application in cooperation with the international network VoteMatch Europe to make it easier to decide in the European Parliament elections. The application contains 30 statements that have been addressed by almost all lists running in the elections. Users can also take a stance on these statements and find out which political option they are closest to in terms of their level of agreement. Similar questionnaires were also answered by parties running on European lists in other Member States, so users can also use these statements to check where they stand in the broader European context.

8. May 2024


This is a continuation of the 2021 project, which investigated fake profiles on Twitter. In the meantime, this social network was renamed X, changed ownership and restricted the use of its API, which complicated our further research and forced us to make adjustments. In the second part of the research, we analysed the timing of follower acquisition to determine whether individual political profiles gained new followers in an expected way (linear growth) or whether their follower numbers suddenly spiked during certain periods.

24. April 2024

Ilustracija ljudi, ki držijo v rokah znake za glasovanje (palec gor, palec dol).

The open source platform Consul is designed for the implementation of participatory budgeting in various organisations. We have also installed it in the municipality of Trebnje, which has invited its residents to have a say in the use of municipal funds. The introduction of participatory budgeting increases the transparency of municipal finances, actively involves the population in decision-making about their common future and improves life in the municipality based on community proposals.

1. April 2024

For our continuous independent work we need your support!!

Parlameter Trbovlje. Na levi je logotip Parlametra Trbovlje, na desni je moder okvir, v ozadju se vidi aplikacija.

The installation of the local version of Parlameter in the Trbovlje municipality was carried out in cooperation with the municipality, which greatly facilitated the opening of their data. Parlameter Trbovlje helps monitor various aspects of the municipality's work by collecting, analysing, structuring and visualising data in a user-friendly way. Citizens now have easy access to information on the attendance of councillors at meetings, the number of questions asked and their voting behaviour. It is also possible to analyse the activities of the individual municipal clubs. All information is presented in the form of embeddable cards that can be easily published or shared on other websites.

1. April 2024

Ilustracija ljudi, ki držijo v rokah znake za glasovanje (palec gor, palec dol).

The open source platform Consul is designed for the implementation of participatory budgeting in various organisations. We have also installed it in the municipality of Novo mesto, which has invited its residents to have a say in the use of municipal funds. The introduction of participatory budgeting increases the transparency of municipal finances, actively involves the population in decision-making about their common future and improves life in the municipality based on community proposals.

1. March 2024

Ilustracija ljudi, ki držijo v rokah znake za glasovanje (palec gor, palec dol).

The open source platform Consul is designed for the implementation of participatory budgeting in various organisations. We have also installed it in the municipality of Tržič, which has invited its residents to have a say in the use of municipal funds. The introduction of participatory budgeting increases the transparency of municipal finances, actively involves the population in decision-making about their common future and improves life in the municipality based on community proposals.

1. March 2024